- 20 hours ago
- 4 min
He quietly slipped into the seat beside me just as the service began. The whole row of us shifted down a bit to accommodate him as he and...

- Nov 23
- 3 min
Aging With Vitality
Vitality is defined as the state of being strong and active; the power giving continuance of life present in all living things,...

- Nov 16
- 4 min
The Uncomfortable Truths
Oscar Pistorius, the former South African Paralympian, is up for parole after having served half of his sentence. In 2013 he was...

- Nov 9
- 3 min
Aging With Joy
I encountered a very efficient but unfriendly person yesterday. As a direct result of covid her department of testing is 8 weeks behind...

- Nov 2
- 3 min
Seriously, How Do I Smell?
There is a very distinct smell to autumn. As the crisp cooler air nips at my ears, I can’t help but notice the damp but fresh earthy...

- Oct 26
- 4 min
Aging With Authority
I have come to realize that I need my flaws. Being prone to wander, they serve as stark reminders that I still have a lot of work to do...

- Oct 17
- 4 min
What if?
True story. When I volunteered in South Africa, the flat I was given was indeed more than adequate, except for one major problem. There...

- Oct 12
- 4 min
Aging With Strength
OK, time for some tough talk here. While growing older with a positive attitude is very possible, let’s also face facts. Getting older is...

- Oct 5
- 4 min
Am I Being Selfish?
Is it OK to pray for myself? I mean does God think I am being selfish? I sometimes think I am when I do. Somehow it feels better to ask...

- Sep 28
- 4 min
Aging With Growth
Sometimes we say that my oldest grandchild is 14 going on 40, or in other words, she’s very mature for her age. I have three...

- Sep 21
- 4 min
Showing Up
It matters how you show up in the world. It matters tremendously! And, it’s certainly not just about what we say for we all know the old...

- Sep 14
- 3 min
Aging With Grace
What does it mean to grow old gracefully? To many folks appearance takes precedence over attitude. As long as our hair is perfectly...

- Sep 7
- 3 min
Morphing into Something New
This is the time of year when cucumbers turn into pickles, when the sweltering stagnant blanket of heat finally gives way to cool breezes...

- Aug 31
- 3 min
Aging With Boldness
It really is rather pointless to tell someone not to worry, not to be afraid of what might happen. We worry anyway. We play the worst...

- Aug 23
- 4 min
My Red Sea Challenge-Part Two
Forty years is a very long time. It’s a very long time to wait on a promise. In fact many of the original Israelites who set out on this...

- Aug 17
- 4 min
Aging With Surrender
In 2021 surrender is not a popular word. Yet I would argue this is exactly where you find happiness and contentment. Please don’t run...

- Aug 10
- 5 min
Only One Thing Is Needed
So the date had been set. At least that was something. Now I could start planning. If the picnic is at our home on Sunday, I can cut the...

- Aug 3
- 3 min
Aging With Intentionality
Do you know people who always seem angry, or at least ready to challenge any comment at the drop of a hat? These folks seldom smile or...